

Se hai gia un account inserisci login e password nei campi sottostanti.

Il tuo login

La tua password

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Login Annulla

Verifica rapida stato RMA

Inserisci numero RMA

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Verifica Annulla

RMA In Attesa di Approvazione.
Your RMA is approved. After 4-5 hours the RMA will be changed to pending return.

RMA Approvato.
Your RMA is approved. After 4-5 hours the RMA will be changed to pending return.

Prodotto in attesa di rientro
We are awaiting the return of your defective device, which is needed, before shipping your replacement. Please follow the instructions sent to your email address to return your defective product. You can track your shipment to SanDisk at for progress and delivery updates. Please allow 2-3 business days after delivery for RMA status to update.

RMA Concluso.
Your product has not been received within 90 days of the approval date and therefore the RMA has been closed.

Prodotto ricevuto / Sotto Test
We have received your defective product and it is currently being processed. Please allow 2-3 business days for your product to be processed and verified.

Prodotto Verificato.
Your product has been verified. We are scheduling an estimated shipping date and have sent it to your email. Please allow 2-3 business days for the replacement to ship out.

Prodotto Spedito.
Il tuo prodotto è stato rispedito.

Per verificare lo stato attuale della spedizione utilizza presso il corriere di riferimento i seguenti dati:
  • Corriere: 
  • AWB Number: 

RMA Completato.
Your RMA is complete.

Si è verificato un errore, oppure numero RMA non trovato.